General relativity as a complete theory and its new consequences
General Relativity Constraints the Proper Times and Predicts the Frozen Stars Instead of the Black Holes
General relativity extended to non-Riemannian space-time geometry
General Relativity Problem of Mercury's Perihelion Advance Revisited
General Relativity Requires Absolute Space and Time
General System theory, Like-Quantum Semantics and Fuzzy Sets
General Theory of Relativity of Einstein as Unified Field Theory
General Transformations of Space and Time according to Aether Theory
General-Relativistic Equations of Motion in terms of Energy and Angular Momentum
Generalisation of Helmholtz-Thevenin theorem to three-phase electrical circuits
Generalization of differential Maxwell equations from integral electrodynamics laws for moving ambiences
Generalization of Equatorial Impact-Parameter Formulas for Rotating Bodies
Generalization of Schwinger-Zwanziger Dyon to Quaternion
Generalization of the Einstein-Plank-Richardson law for the photon energy in medium resolves Abraham-Minkowski dilemma in the electromagnetic field theory statement
Generalization of the relativity theory on the arbitrary space-time geometry
Generalized dimensions and entropies from a measured time series
Generalized expression for the heat conduction in non-Maxwellian two-component spherically symmetric pelletlike plasmas
Generalized Finsler geometry and its Cartan connection in modification of special relativity
Generalized Gravi-Electromagnetism
Generalized Gravity I : Kinematical Setting and reformalizing Quantum Field Theory