Dark Matter, Antimatter and Time-Symmetry
Dark matter, dark energy and gravitational proprieties of antimatter
Dark Matter, Gravity Waves, Higgs Bosons and other Elusive Entities
Dark Matter, Quasars, and Superstructures in the Universe
Dark Spring - a Simple Interpretation of the Susskind- Horowitz-Polchinsky Correspondence between Schwarzschild Black Hole and Strings
Data Compression with Prime Numbers
Data Transmission in the Fourth Dimension
de Broglie Deterministic Dice and emerging Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
de Broglie Wavelength and Frequency of the Scattered Electrons in Compton Effect
De Sitter Relativity and Cosmological Principle
Dead paradigms and killer paradigms. (In Spanish)
Decelerated expansion or Future time comes to a halt
Decoherence and coherence in gravitational, electric and strong nuclear fields
Decoupling of EYMH Equations, Off-Diagonal Solutions, and Black Ellipsoids and Solitons
Decrease of Entropy and Chemical Reactions
Decrease of Entropy, Quantum Statistics and Possible Violation of Pauli Exclusion Principle
Decrease of Particle's Interference Pattern Due to Energy Changes
Deducing the three gauge interactions from the three Reidemeister moves
Deduction of Lorentz Transformation from the existence of absolute rest. Deduction of the speed of light in any frame of reference
Definability in Physics