Classical Electrodynamics without Fields and the Aharonov-Bohm effect
Classical electromagnetism of r^2 spin-orbit interaction and nonexistence of magnetic monopoles
Classical Electron Theory and Conservation Laws
Classical isodual theory of antimatter
Classical teleportation
Classical Tunneling
Climate Change Policies for the XXIst Century: Mechanisms, Predictions and Recommendations
Climate Change: Sources of Warming in the Late 20th Century
Climate Change: The Sun's Role
Climate Control Using Nuclear Energy
Climate Stability and Policy: A Synthesis
Clock rates, clock settings and the physics of the space-time Lorentz transformation
Clouds of short-circuited thermionic nanobatteries and promising prospects for development of nanobattery-based aerosol fusion reactors. The preliminary report
Cluster-Spin Gaussian Model for Lattice-Ising Models
Co-Operative Phenomena as a Physical Paradigm for Special Relativity, Gravitation and Quantum Mechanics
CO2 capture processes in power plants - Le captage du CO2 dans les centrales thermiques
Coevolution of Quantum Wave Functions and the Friedmann Universe
Coexisting Spacetimes in the Solar Neighborhood
Collective behaviour of partons could be a source of energetic hadrons
Collision kernels and laser spectroscopy