Charged Particles are Prevented from Going Faster than the Speed of Light by Light Itself: A Biophysical Cell Biologist's Contribution to Physics
Charges and fields in a current-carrying wire
Cheap Artificial AB-Mountains, Extraction of Water and Energy from Atmosphere and Change of Regional Climate
Cheap Method for Shielding a City from Rocket and Nuclear Warhead Impacts
Cheap Textile Dam Protection of Seaport Cities against Hurricane Storm Surge Waves, Tsunamis, and Other Weather-Related Floods
Chemical Synthesis of Nano-Sized particles of Lead Oxide and their Characterization Studies
Cherenkov light Extrapolation at Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays in Extensive Air Showers
Chiral quantum mechanics (CQM) for antihydrogen systems
Chirality and Cosmic Origin of Life
Chkareuli-Froggatt-Nielsen Theorem and Photon Mass
Choice of the best geometry to explain physics
Choosing the Right Relativity for QFT
CHSH and local hidden causality
Classical analog of spin in 7 and in 10 dimensions
Classical and operator isominkowskian unification of general and special relativities for metter and their isodual for antimatter (paper)
Classical approaches to Higgs mechanism
Classical counterexample to Bell's theorem
Classical description of pair production
Classical dilute relativistic plasmas in equilibrium. II. Thermodynamic functions
Classical electrodynamics with vacuum polarization: electron self-energy and radiation reaction