Changing Mass Corrects Newtonian Gravity
Chaotic diffusion across a magnetic field in a model of electrostatic turbulent plasma
Chaotic states and routes to chaos in the forced pendulum
Characteristics, Effects and Life Expectancy of a Primeval Photon
Characterization of experimental (noisy) strange attractors
Characterization of Fundamental Particles
Charge confinement by Casimir forces
Charge density of the electron at higher velocity
Charge exchange between H(1s) and fully stripped heavy ions at low-keV impact energies
Charge of a particle generated by a captured pair of photons
Charge transfer in collisions of atomic hydrogen with O8 + , He + + , and H +
Charge transfer in collisions of doubly charged ions of iron and nickel with hydrogen atoms
Charge transfer in H/+/-H and H/+/-D collisions within the energy range 0.1-150 eV
Charge transfer of doubly charged and trebly charged ions with atomic hydrogen at thermal energies
Charge transfer of multiply charged ions at thermal energies
Charge transfer of O(3+) ions in collisions with atomic hydrogen
Charge, from EM fields only
Charge-state dependence of the mean K-shell fluorescence yields of Siq + ions
Charge-transfer and impact-ionization cross sections for fully and partially stripped positive ions colliding with atomic hydrogen
Charged Black Holes and Constraints on Baryon Asymmetry