Casimir forces without the vacuum radiation field
Casimir vacuum energy and the semiclassical electron
Categorical Foundations for Physics - I: Program at a Glance
Cauchy stress in mass distributions
Causal Classical Theory of Radiation Damping
Causal explanation for observed superluminal behavior of microwave propagation in free space
Causality and relativity in quantum physics
Causality and time-space evolution of physical systems
Causality bound on the density of aggregates
Causality Principle
Causality, light speed constancy and local action principle
Causality, Symmetries, and Quantum Mechanics
Causality: The Nature of Everything
Cellular Automata Theory and Physics: A new Paradigm for the Unification of Physics
Central structure of low-n Balmer lines in dense plasmas
Central symmetry and antisymmetry of the microwave background inhomogeneities on Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe maps
Central universal force field to explain solar orbital radial acceleration and other universal phenomena
Centrifugal cosmological repulsive force in a homogeneous universe
Cerenkov line radiation
Changes in the fine structure of stochastic distributions as a consequence of space-time fluctuations