Could Planck level physics be driving classical macroscopic physics through a random walk?
Coulomb collisions in strong magnetic fields
Counting energy packets in the electromagnetic wave
Coupled-state calculations of proton-hydrogen-atom scattering using a scaled hydrogenic basis set
Coupling between a deuteron and a lattice
Coupling of a high-sensitivity superconducting amplifier to a gravitational-wave antenna
Covariant evolution equation for the thermodynamic fluctuations
Covariant Formulation of Electromagnetic 4-Momentum in Terms of 4-Vectors E^αand B^α
Covariant isolation from an Abelian gauge field of its nondynamical potential, which, when fed back, can transform into a "confining Yukawa"
Covariant Renormalizable Anisotropic Theories and Off-Diagonal Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs Solutions
Covariant Uniform Acceleration
Crater Property in Two-Particle Bound States: When and Why
Creating a universe from thermodynamic thought experiments I
Creating a universe from thermodynamic thought experiments II -- exploring a basis for structure and force
Creating chaos and the Life
Creation of Electron Spinless Pairs in the Superconductivity
Creation of Quark-gluon Plasma in Celestial Laboratories
Creation of Spiral Galaxies
Creation of the Universe
Creativity and the New Structure of Science