Cosmological Expansion Started from the Big Bounce on Local Rotation
Cosmological Feynman Paths
Cosmological implications of conformal field theory
Cosmological implications of the new metric for an accelerating expanding, and doubly rotating Universe
Cosmological Models with No Big Bang
Cosmological Models with Some Variable Constant
Cosmological Models Without Singularity Based on RW Metric or A New Metric and their Explanation for Evolution of the Universe
Cosmological Natural Selection Revisited. Some Remarks on the Conceptual Conundrum and Possible Alleys
Cosmological pressure fluctuations and spatial expansion
Cosmological Principle and Relativity - Part I
Cosmological properties of eternally collapsing objects (ECOs)
Cosmology at the Crossroads of the Natural and Human Sciences: is demarcation possible?
Cosmology of Λ-term (vacuum component)
Cosmology with Bounce by Flat Space-Time Theory of Gravitation and a New Interpretation
Cosmology with New Astrophysical Constants
Cost objective PLM and CE
Costs Models in Design and Manufacturing of Sand Casting Products
Could Dark Energy be a Manifestation of Gravity?
Could Dense Quark Matter be a Source of Super High Energy Cosmic Rays?
Could nanostructure be unspeakable quantum system?