Conception of the scalar-vector potential in contemporary electrodynamics
Concepts of inertial, gravitational and elementary particle masses
Concepts of relative velocity
Conceptual Foundations of Special and General Relativity
Concerning Hertz' photoelectric effect
Concerning the limit for neutrino mass
Concerning the searches for Higgs bosons
Condensation Energy of a Spacetime Condensate
Condensed Geometry
Conditions for stimulated emission in anomalous gravity-superconductors interactions
Configuration 1s22s3p in the sequence NE vii-Fe xxiii: Level energies and lifetimes
Confined gravitational waves for chiral matter with heat
Confirmation of Don Borghi's experiment on the synthesis of neutrons from protons and electrons
Conformal Gauge Relativity - On the Geometrical Unification of Gravitation and Gauge Fields
Conformal theory of galactic halos
Confusion in electromagnetism and implications of CPT symmetry -- system of units associated with symmetry
Confusion in Thermodynamics
Connectivity and the Origin of Inertia
Consciousness in Physics
Consequences from conservation of the total density of the universe during the expansion