Compounding Fields and Their Quantum Equations in the Curved Spaces
Compounding Fields and Their Quantum Equations in the Sedenion Space
Compounding Fields and Their Quantum Equations in the Trigintaduonion Space
Comprehensive calculations of 4p and 4d lifetimes for the Cu sequence
Compton shift and de Broglie frequency
Compton wavelength, Bohr radius, Balmer's formula and g-factors
Compton-Energy Scale of Friction Quantization
Computational and Biological Analogies for Understanding Fine-Tuned Parameters in Physics
Computational Derivation to Zeta Zeros and Prime Numbers
Computational Enhancement to Programmers
Computational Improvements to Matrix Operations
Computational universes
Computer-simulation technique applied to the study of hydrogen Stark broadening by plasmas
Computing K3 and CY n-fold Metrics
Computing the Kolmogorov entropy from time signals of dissipative and conservative dynamical systems
Conceivable new recycling of nuclear waste by nuclear power companies in their plants
Concept of a thermonuclear reactor based on gravity retention of high-temperature plasma
Concept of momentum-less bodies and a suggestion for its experimental verification using ultra-cold atoms
Concept of Quaternion Mass for Wave-Particle Duality : A Novel Approach
Conception of quantum cosmology