Black Hole - Never Forms, or Never Evaporates
Black Hole Entropy Prediction without Immirzi Parameter
Black Hole evaporation in semi-classical approach
Black hole immunity theorem and dark matter
Black Hole Radiation and Volume Statistical Entropy
Black Hole Thermodynamics and Electromagnetism
Black Holes - a Simplified Theory for Quantum Gravity Non-Specialists
Black Holes - Estimation of Their Lower and Upper Mass Limits Stemming from the Model of Expansive Nondecelerative Universe
Black Holes and Quantum Theory: The Fine Structure Constant Connection
Black Holes and the LHC
Black Holes From Different Perspectives
Black Holes in Elliptical and Spiral Galaxies and in Globular Clusters
Black Holes, Entropy and the Third Law
Black Holes: Attractors for Intelligence?
Black-body laws derived from a minimum knowledge of Physics
Black-body photon clustering by semi-classical means
Blackbody radiation and distribution function with three parameters
Blind physics: a catalogue of unverified hypotheses
Bohr-Sommerfeld Theory of the Magnetic Monopole with Quasi-Confinement
Boltzmann Entropy : Probability and Information