Behavior of Electric Current Subjected to ELF Electromagnetic Radiation
Being at Rest
Belief revision in quantum decision theory: gambler's and hot hand fallacies
Bell's correlation for continuous local hidden causality is ambiguous
Bell's Theorem refuted with a Kolmogorovian counterexample
Bell's theorem, entanglement, and common sense
Bell's Theorem, Many Worlds and Backwards-Time Physics: Not Just a Matter of Interpretation
Bemerkungen zur "kalten Fusion"
Benchmark 3-Flavor Pattern and Small Universal Flavor-Electroweak Parameter
Bending of Light Near a Star and Gravitational Red/Blue Shift : Alternative Explanation Based on Refraction of Light
Berezovsky number
Bethe cross sections for the sodium isoelectronic sequence
Beyond Einstein ... Are we all afraid of the Truth?
Beyond Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity
Beyond the Fundamentals of Special Relativity: Full Lorentz gamma factor
Bianchi Type I Cosmology in Generalized Saez-Ballester Theory via Noether Gauge Symmetry
Bianchi Type-I Anisotropic Dark Energy Models with Constant Deceleration Parameter
Bianchi Type-II String Cosmological Models in Normal Gauge for Lyra's Manifold with Constant Deceleration Parameter
Bianchi-V string cosmological model and late time acceleration
Bibliographic Research Projets