Weak Turbulent Kolmogorov Spectrum for Surface Gravity Waves
Weakly non-linear analysis of wind-driven gravity waves
Weakly nonlinear analysis of the α effect
Western Boundary Current Separation Caused by a Deep Countercurrent
Wetting failure and contact line dynamics in a Couette flow
Wetting Front Dynamics in Isotropic Porous Media
Wetting on smooth micropatterned defects
Wetting Splashing
What Determines Size Distributions of Heavy Drops in a Synthetic Turbulent Flow?
What drives mesoscale atmospheric turbulence?
What is turbulence, what is fossil turbulence, and which ways do they cascade?
When sound slows down bubbles
Where do small, weakly inertial particles go in a turbulent flow?
Where we observe that helical turbulence prevails over inertial waves in forced rotating flows at high Reynolds and low Rossby numbers
Why does superfluid helium leak out of an open container?
Why the first laboratory self-exciting dynamo was at Newcastle
Why the phase shifts for solitons on a vortex filament are so large?
Why the Water Bridge does not collapse
Wide-Gap Taylor-Couette Flow Experiments with Astrophysical Relevance
Wind and boundary layers in Rayleigh-Benard convection. I: analysis and modeling