The "zeroth law" of turbulence: Isotropic turbulence simulations revisited
The 3D structure of the Lagrangian acceleration in turbulent flows
The advection-condensation model and water vapour PDFs
The alpha effect and its saturation in a turbulent swirling flow generated in the VKS experiment
The Approach of Turbulence to the Locally Homogeneous Asymptote as Studied using Exact Structure-Function Equations
The Basics of Water Waves Theory for Analogue Gravity
The bifurcation structure of decadal thermohaline oscillations
The birth, life and death of convective plumes generated by a green laser in an isothermal fluid
The blistering of a viscoelastic filament of a droplet of saliva
The bottom Ekman layer and the apparent violation of the maximum principle
The bounce-splash of a viscoelastic drop
The Bouncing Jet: A Newtonian Liquid Rebounding off a Free Surface
The boundary and continual transfer phenomena in fluids and flows
The Breakdown of Cyclone/Anticyclone Degeneracy in Jupiter's Atmosphere: Modeling of Cloud Morphologies by Lagrangian Passive Tracers
The Brine Shrimp's Butterfly Stroke
The Cascade of Circulations in Fluid Turbulence
The Case for 2-D Turbulence in Antarctic Data
The catalytic role of beta effect in barotropization processes
The cause of oscillations of the large-scale circulation of turbulent Rayleigh-B{é}nard convection
The center manifold theorem for center eigenvalues with non-zero real parts