Oceanic forcing of the late 20th century Sahel drought
Odd Viscosity
Oil filaments produced by an impeller in a water stirred thank
On a dynamo driven by topographic precession
On a multi-scale approach to analyze the joint statistics of longitudinal and transverse increments experimentally in small scale turbulence
On a new type of solitary surface waves in finite water depth
On a non-static fluid sphere of uniform density in general relativity
On a self-sustained process at large scale in the turbulent channel flow
On a separation criterion for symmetric elliptic bluff body flows
On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles
On an alternative explanation of anomalous scaling and how well-defined is the concept of inertial range
On analogy between transition to turbulence in fluids and plasticity in solids
On bubble clustering and energy spectra in pseudo-turbulence
On Constructing the Minimal Seed of Turbulence: Nonlinear Transient Growth
On different cascade-speeds for longitudinal and transverse velocity increments
On double-roll convection in a rotating magnetic system
On dynamics of multi-phase elastic-plastic media
On dynamics of velocity vector potential in incompressible fluids
On electromagnetic core-mantle coupling
On final states of 2D decaying turbulence