Non-Local Mean Field Dynamo Theory and Magnetic Fronts in Galaxies
Non-Local Mean Field Dynamo Theory and Magnetic Fronts in Galaxies
Non-local memory effects of the electromotive force by fluid motion with helicity and two-dimensional periodicity
Non-local modulation of the energy cascade in broad-band forced turbulence
Non-locality and Intermittency in 3D Turbulence
Non-modal disturbances growth in a viscous mixing layer flow
Non-Newtonian effects in the peristaltic flow of a Maxwell fluid
Non-Newtonian fluid flow through three-dimensional disordered porous media
Non-Newtonian sink flow cusps
Non-Newtonian thin films with normal stresses: dynamics and spreading
Non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq effects in turbulent thermal convection in ethane close to the critical point
Non-premixed Flame-Turbulence Interaction in Compressible Turbulent Flow
Non-relativistic conformal symmetries in fluid mechanics
Non-Riemannian geometrical asymmetrical damping stresses on the Lagrange instability of shear flows
Non-stationary Spectra of Local Wave Turbulence
Non-white noise and a multiple-rate Markovian closure theory for turbulence
Nondiffractive sonic crystals
Nonlinear alpha-omega dynamos in a spherical shell
Nonlinear alpha-omega dynamos in a spherical shell.
Nonlinear change of on-axis pressure and intensity maxima positions and its relation with the linear focal shift effect