Large Prandtl number finite-amplitude thermal convection with Maxwell viscoelasticity
Large scale behavior and statistical equilibria in rotating flows
Large scale dynamics in turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection
Large scale dynamics in two-dimensional turbulence
Large scale effects on the decay of rotating helical and non-helical turbulence
Large Scale Evolution of Premixed Flames
Large Scale Features of Rotating Forced Turbulence
Large scale flow around turbulent spots
Large scale flow effects, energy transfer, and self-similarity on turbulence
Large scale fluctuations and dynamics of the Bullard - von Kármán dynamo
Large Scale Geostrophic Winds with a Full Representation of the Coriolis Force: Application to IR Observations of the Upper Jovian Troposphere
Large Scale Intermittency in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Large time behavior for vortex evolution in the half-plane
Large variation in the boundary-condition slippage for a rarefied gas flowing between two surfaces
Large- and Small-Scale Dynamo Action
Large-eddy simulation in the near-surface region of planetary
Large-Eddy Simulation of an over-expanded planar nozzle
Large-eddy simulation of large-scale structures in long channel flow
Large-eddy simulation of the flow in a lid-driven cubical cavity
Large-eddy simulation of the lid-driven cubic cavity flow by the spectral element method