Gradual eddy-wave crossover in superfluid turbulence
Granular Media under Vibration in Zero Gravity: Transition from Rattling to Granular Gas
Gravitational and buckling instabilities of a rheologically layered structure: implications for salt diapirism
Gravitational collapse of a turbulent vortex with application to star formation
Gravitational compression of a body within the approximation of the special theory of relativity
Gravitational oscillations of a liquid column
Gravity and inertial modes of rotating stars
Gravity current down a steeply inclined slope in a rotating fluid
Gravity currents in a porous medium at an inclined plane
Gravity waves over topographical bottoms: Comparison with the experiment
Gravity-driven thin-film flow with negatively buoyant particles
Gravity-free hydraulic jumps and metal femtocups
Green modified function of the equation of the internal gravity waves in the stratum of the stratified medium with constant average flow
Groundwater age, life expectancy and transit time distributions in advective-dispersive systems: 1. Generalized reservoir theory
Growth and Sedimentation of Dust Grains in the Primitive Solar Nebula
Growth rate of Rayleigh-Taylor turbulent mixing layers from first principles