Exactly Integrable Dynamics of Interface between Ideal Fluid and Light Viscous Fluid
Excavation of sand by impinging jets of gas, with application to lunar landings
Exchange flow of two immiscible fluids and the principle of maximum flux
Excitation of inertial modes in a closed grid turbulence experiment under rotation
Exciting Hard Spheres
Experiment Facilities for Materials and Fluid Sciences Embarked on Spacelab
Experimental and numerical study of mean zonal flows generated by librations of a rotating spherical cavity
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Spherical Convection with Central Gravity.
Experimental assessment of drag reduction by traveling waves in a turbulent pipe flow
Experimental demonstration of the supersonic-subsonic bifurcation in the circular jump: A hydrodynamic white hole
Experimental evidence of a triadic resonance of plane inertial waves in a rotating fluid
Experimental evidence of accelerated energy transfer in turbulence
Experimental evidence of Alfvén wave propagation in a Gallium alloy
Experimental evidence of conformal invariance in soap film turbulent flows
Experimental investigation of an oil droplet colliding with an oil-water interface
Experimental investigation of laminar turbulent intermittency in pipe flow
Experimental investigation of perforations interactions effects under high sound pressure levels
Experimental Investigation of Shock Wave Surfing
Experimental investigation of the scattering of microwave signals by spheres moving at hypersonic velocity
Experimental Lagrangian Acceleration Probability Density Function Measurement