Effects of Convection and Rotation in the large scale Circulation of the Major Planets.
Effects of curvature on hydrothermal waves instability of radial thermocapillary flows
Effects of Fluid Turbulence on Stellar Convection
Effects of interfacial curvature on Rayleigh-Taylor instability
Effects of Material Symmetry on the Coefficients of Transport in Anisotropic Porous Media
Effects of non-universal large scales on conditional structure functions in turbulence
Effects of the surface deformation on the free surface turbulent behavior
Effects of Topography and Potential Vorticity Forcing on Solitary Rossby Waves in Zonally Varying Flow
Effects of vent overpressure on buoyant eruption columns: Implications for plume stability
Effects on the core of structure within d"
Efficiency of size-dependent particle separation by pinched flow fractionation
Efficiency optimization and symmetry-breaking in a model of ciliary locomotion
Efficient sensitivity analysis for flow and transport in the Earth's crust and mantle
Eigenfrequencies of two mutually interacting gas bubbles in an acoustic field
Elastic deformation due to tangential capillary forces
Elastic instability in stratified core annular flow
Elastic turbulence in von Karman swirling flow between two disks
Elastocapillary instability under partial wetting conditions: bending versus buckling
Electro-Coalescence Fireworks
Electro-viscous effects in capillary filling of nanochannels