Conservation laws of inviscid non-isentropic compressible fluid flow in n>1 spatial dimensions
Constrained flow around a magnetic obstacle
Constraints on scalar diffusion anomaly in three-dimensional flows having bounded velocity gradients
Contact angle determination in multicomponent lattice Boltzmann simulations
Contact line motion for partially wetting fluids
Contactless inductive flow tomography
Contemporary Approach for Simulation and Computation of Fluid Flows in Centrifugal Hydromachines
Continuum model for Couette-Poiseuille flow in a drag molecular pump
Contour-Variable Model of Constitutive Equations for Polymer Melts
Contribution a la modelisation et simulation numerique de l ecoulement du sang dans l artere
Contribution au Phenomene de Mouillabilite en presence Dun tensioactif anionique SDS et non ionique C11E5
Contribution of a time-dependent metric on the dynamics of an interface between two immiscible electro-magnetically controllable Fluids
Contribution of Acoustic Losses in the Quality Factor of a Micromechanical Resonator
Contribution to the modeling of a liquid film flowing down inside a vertical circular tube
Contribution to the study of thermal erosion on Mars
Contributions to the theory of spiral structure. III - The influence of homogeneous and inhomogeneous halos on the equilibrium and stability of disk galaxies
Control of a Circular Jet
Control of atomizer turbulence characteristics with indeterminate origin nozzles
Controlled impact of a disk on a water surface: Cavity dynamics
Controlling Mixing Inside a Droplet by Time Dependent Rigid-body Rotation