Chaotic dynamics in two-dimensional Rayleigh-Bénard convection
Chaotic magnetic field reversals in turbulent dynamos
Chaotic motion in classical fluids with scale relativistic methods
Chaotic particle sedimentation in a rotating flow with time-periodic strength
Characteristic lengths at moving contact lines for a perfectly wetting fluid: the influence of speed on the dynamic contact angle
Characteristics of the wavelength of ripples on icicles
Characterization of chaotic motion in a rotating drum
Characterization of the reactive flow field dynamics in a gas turbine injector using high frequency PIV
Characterization of turbulence in inhomogeneous anisotropic flows
Charge Transport Scalings in Turbulent Electroconvection
Charged catenary
Charged-Surface Instability Development in Liquid Helium; Exact Solutions
Chemical dynamics versus transport dynamics in a simple model
Chemical efficiency of reactive microflows with heterogeneus catalysis: a lattice Boltzmann study
Chemical reactions in the presence of surface modulation and stirring
Chemo-capillary instabilities of a contact line
Chemotactic Maneuverability of Sperm
Cicada: a Heavy but Agile Flyer
Circular hydraulic jump in generalized-Newtonian fluids
Circulation in Blowdown Flows