How to experimentally measure the number 5 of the SO(5) theory?
How to make graphene superconducting
How to map a pseudogap?
How to realize a robust practical Majorana chain in a quantum dot-superconductor linear array
HTSC Cuprate Phase Diagram Using a Modified Boson-Fermion-Gossamer Model Describing Competing Orders, a Quantum Critical Point and Possible Resonance Complex
HTSC-glue in doped copper oxides and iron pnictides: mobile CT-excitons within in-plane Ginzburg HTSC-sandwich
Hubbard model calculations of phase separation in optical lattices
Hubbard model with SU(4) symmetry
Huge nonequilibrium magnetoresistance in hybrid superconducting spin valves
Huge oxygen isotope effect on local lattice fluctuations in La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4) superconductor
Hump Structure below Tc in the thermal conductivity of MgB2 superconductor
Hybrid superconductor magnet bearings
Hybridization gap versus hidden order gap in URu$_2$Si$_2$ as revealed by optical spectroscopy
Hybridization of Spin and Plasma Waves in Josephson Tunnel Junctions Containing a Ferromagnetic Layer
Hybridization-induced superconductivity from the electron repulsion on a tetramer lattice having a disconnected Fermi surface
Hydration phase diagram for sodium cobalt oxide Na0.3CoO2*yH2O
Hydration-induced anisotropic spin fluctuations in Na_{x}CoO_{2}\cdot1.3H_{2}O superconductor
Hydrodynamic Instability of the Flux-antiflux Interface in Type-II Superconductors
Hydrodynamics of liquids of arbitrarily curved flux-lines and vortex loops
Hydrogen in layered iron arsenide: indirect electron doping to induce superconductivity