Collective excitations and the gap in spectrum of the degenerated Bose gas
Collective excitations of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate
Collective excitations of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of weak disorder and a two-dimensional optical lattice
Collective Excitations, Nambu-Goldstone Modes and Instability of Inhomogeneous Polariton Condensates
Collective many-body interaction in Rydberg dressed atoms
Collective modes and the speed of sound in the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state
Collective modes as a probe of imbalanced Fermi gases
Collective modes of a strongly interacting Bose gas: probing the Mott transition
Collective modes of monolayer, bilayer, and multilayer fermionic dipolar liquid
Collective modes, stability and superfluid transition of a quasi-two-dimensional dipolar Fermi gas
Collective Motion of Polarized Dipolar Fermi Gases in the Hydrodynamic Regime
Collective oscillations in ultracold atomic gases
Collective phenomena in quasi-two-dimensional fermionic polar molecules: band renormalization and excitons
Collective quantum jumps of Rydberg atoms
Collective strong coupling in a lossy optical cavity
Colliding clouds of strongly interacting spin-polarized fermions
Collinear Four-Wave Mixing of Two-Component Matter Waves
Collision Integrals in the Kinetic Equations of dilute Bose-Einstein Condensates
Collision of one-dimensional fermion clusters
Collision of two spin polarized fermionic clouds