A BCS wavefunction approach to the BEC-BCS crossover of exciton-polariton condensates
A Bose gas in a single-beam optical dipole trap
A classification of the ground states and topological defects in a rotating two-component Bose-Einstein condensate
A comparison between microscopic methods for finite temperature Bose gases
A Composite Fermion Approach to the Ultracold Dilute Fermi Gas
A Dielectric Superfluid of Polar Molecules
A dipolar self-induced bosonic Josephson junction
A finite element method with mesh adaptivity for computing vortex states in fast-rotating Bose-Einstein condensates
A Full Configuration Interaction Perspective on the Homogeneous Electron Gas
A Hermite-Padé perspective on Gell-Mann--Low renormalization group: an application to the correlation function of Lieb-Liniger gas
A hexapole-compensated magneto-optical trap on a mesoscopic atom chip
A high-flux 2D MOT source for cold lithium atoms
A laser based accelerator for ultracold atoms
A multi-site mean-field theory for cold bosonic atoms in optical lattices
A new effective interaction for the trapped fermi gas: the BEC-BCS crossover
A new Sobolev gradient method for direct minimization of the Gross-Pitaevskii energy with rotation
A nonlinear quantum piston for the controlled generation of vortex rings
A note on a relation between ac Josephson effect and double-well BEC oscillations
A novel route to Bose-Einstein condensation of two-electron atoms
A phonon laser in ultra-cold matter