Classical dynamics of the optomechanical modes of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a ring cavity
Classical phase-space approach for coherent matter waves
Classical versus quantum dynamics of the atomic Josephson junction
Clock shift in a strongly interacting two-dimensional Fermi gas
Clock shifts in a Fermi gas interacting with a minority component: a soluble model
Clock shifts of optical transitions in ultracold atomic gases
Clustered Wigner crystal phases of cold polar molecules in arrays of one-dimensional tubes
Coexistence of pairing gaps in three-component Fermi gases
Coexistence of spin-1/2 and spin-1 Dirac-Weyl fermions in the edge-centered honeycomb lattice
Coexistence of the "bogolons" and the one-particle spectrum of excitations with a gap in the degenerated Bose gas
Coherence and entanglement in the ground-state of a bosonic Josephson junction:from macroscopic Schrödinger cats to separable Fock states
Coherence and Instability in a Driven Bose-Einstein Condensate: A Fully Dynamical Number-Conserving Approach
Coherence of an Interacting Bose Gas: from a Single to a Double Well
Coherence time of a Bose-Einstein condensate
Coherent cross-talk and parametric driving of matter-wave vortices
Coherent Interaction of a Single Fermion with a Small Bosonic Field
Coherent light scattering from a two-dimensional Mott insulator
Coherent multi-flavour spin dynamics in a fermionic quantum gas
Coherent multiple forward scattering peak unveiled by Anderson localization
Coherent negative mobility of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice