Calculating energy shifts in terms of phase shifts
Calculation of Drag and Superfluid Velocity from the Microscopic Parameters and Excitation Energies of a Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condensate on an Optical Lattice
Calculation of the even-odd energy difference in superfluid Fermi systems using the pseudopotential theory
Can a Bose gas be saturated?
Canonical ensemble of an interacting Bose gas: stochastic matter fields and their coherence
Canted Antiferromagnetic Order of Imbalanced Fermi-Fermi mixtures in Optical Lattices by Dynamical Mean-Field Theory
Capillary instability in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate
Cavity Quantum Optomechanics of Ultracold Atoms in an Optical Lattice: Normal-Mode Splitting
Cavity-Controlled Collective Scattering at the Recoil Limit
Cavity-induced switching between localized and extended states in a non-interacting Bose-Einstein condensate
Cavity-Mediated Strong Matter Wave Bistability in a Spin-1 Condensate
Change in the adiabatic invariant in a nonlinear Landau-Zener problem
Characteristics of Two-Dimensional Quantum Turbulence in a Compressible Superfluid
Characterization of excited states of ultracold atoms in optical lattices
Characterization of Mott-insulating and superfluid phases in the one-dimensional Bose--Hubbard model
Chern numbers hiding in time-of-flight images
Chiral confinement in quasirelativistic Bose-Einstein condensates
Chiral Rashba spin textures in ultra-cold Fermi gases
Chirp Control of Sinusoidal Lattice Modes in Bose-Einstein Condensate
Classical bifurcation at the transition from Rabi to Josephson dynamics