Vibrations of liquid drops in film boiling phenomena: the mathematical model
Viscoelastic properties of green wood across the grain measured by harmonic tests in the range of 0\degree C to 95\degree C. Hardwood vs. softwood and normal wood vs. reaction wood
Viscoelastic properties of wood across the grain measured under water-saturated conditions up to 135\degree C: evidence of thermal degradation
Visualization and analysis of jet oscillation under transverse acoustic perturbation
Visualizing Imaginary Rotations and Applications in Physics
Vortex lines of the electromagnetic field
Vortex shedding dynamics in the laminar wake of cones
Vortex sheet dynamics and turbulence
Wake effects characterization using wake oscillator model. Comparison on 2D response with experiments
Wannier-Stark states of a quantum particle in 2D lattices
Wave Equation for Fractal Solid String
Wave motions in unbounded poroelastic solids infused with compressible fluids
Wave propagation across acoustic / Biot's media: a finite-difference method
Wave propagation through soils in centrifuge testing
Wave turbulence on the surface of a ferrofluid submitted to a magnetic field
Wave-corpuscle mechanics for elementary charges
Waveguide taper engineering using coordinate transformation technology
WAVET*, a custom device able to measure viscoelastic properties of wood under water saturated conditions (*WAVET : Environmental Vibration Analyser for Wood)
Weakly nonlocal non-equilibrium thermodynamics - variational principles and Second Law
Weierstrass's criterion and compact solitary waves