"D-Dimond1", Prototype Antenna RGA-05
"Pseudo" pseudo forces in gauge synchronization theories
"True Transformations Relativity" and Electrodynamics
(not quite) Theoretical Proof of the Lorentz Force Formula
1/f noise: a pedagogical review
100 Years of dimensional analysis: New steps toward empirical law deduction
1D model of precursors to frictional stick-slip motion allowing for robust comparison with experiments
1D Toy Model For Trapping Neutral Particles
2D multi-objective placement algorithm for free-form components
3D Hopkinson bar: new experiments for dynamic testing on soils
A bead on a hoop rotating about a horizontal axis: a 1-D ponderomotive trap
A blackbody is not a blackbox
A bounded source cannot emit a unipolar electromagnetic wave
A Boussinesq system for two-way propagation of interfacial waves
A Capacitor Paradox
A class of vector identities relevant to the representation of the electric current density
A classical key distribution system based on Johnson (like) noise - How secure?
A classification of classical billiard trajectories
A complexity measure for symbolic sequences and applications to DNA
A comprehensive classification of complex statistical systems and an ab-initio derivation of their entropy and distribution functions