Calculations of the Energy Accommodation Coefficient for Gas-Surface Interactions
Calculations of Trapping and Desorption in Heavy Atom Collisions with Surfaces
Callen's Adiabatic Piston and the Limits of the Second Law of Thermodynamics
Can Maxwell's equations be obtained from the continuity equation?
Can the Lorenz-gauge potentials be considered physical quantities?
Canonically Transformed Detectors Applied to the Classical Inverse Scattering Problem
Cantilever-based electret energy harvesters
Capacitors can radiate - some consequences of the two-capacitor problem with radiation
Cascade unlooping of a low-pitch helical spring under tension
Causal, psychological, and electrodynamic time arrows as consequences of the thermodynamic time arrow
Causality and Peierls Bracket in Classical Mechanics
Celestial mechanics, from high-school to Newton's Principia
Cerenkov radiation of spinning particle
Chandrasekhar Theory of Ellipsoidal Electromagnetic Scatterers
Change of basis and Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization in special relativity
Change of the plane of oscillation of a Foucault pendulum from simple pictures
Chaotic Emission from Electromagnetic Systems Considering Self-Interaction
Characterization by a time-frequency method of classical waves propagation in one-dimensional lattice : effects of the dispersion and localized nonlinearities
Characterization of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of Hemp fibres intended for the manufacturing oh high performance composites
Charged Brown Particle: The More Retardation is - the Lower is the Effective Temperature