Factorizations of one dimensional classical systems
Failure of geometric electromagnetism in the adiabatic vector Kepler problem
Failure of Lorentz-Dirac Approach to Radiation Reaction for Extremely Large Velocities ?
Falling chains
Falling spring and falling catenary as cases of force propagation
Faraday's law in the presence of magnetic monopoles
Feeding upon negative entropy in a thermal-equilibrium environment
Ferromagnetic/superconducting bilayer structure: A model system for spin diffusion length estimation
Field of the Current Pulse Moving Along the Straight Line with Super Light Velocity
Field Theory reformulated without self-energy parts.Divergence-free classical electrodynamics
Film Thickness Changes in EHD Sliding Contacts Lubricated by a Fatty Alcohol
Finding the Center of Mass of a Soft Spring
Finite element analysis of the indentation test on rocks with microstructure
Finite element computation of absorbing boundary conditions for time-harmonic wave problems
Finite Element Modelling of Micro-cantilevers Used as Chemical Sensors
Finite volume methods for unidirectional dispersive wave models
Finite volume schemes for Boussinesq type equations
Finite volume schemes for dispersive wave propagation and runup
Flat spacetime in a capsule
Floating Bodies of Equilibrium at Density 1/2 in Arbitrary Dimensions