Remarks on the conservation of mechanical energy in introductory mechanics
Remarks on the Physical Meaning of Diffraction-Free Solutions of Maxwell Equations
Renormalization Group Studies of Vertex Models
Renormalization in Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac Equation, Describing Radiation Force in Classical Electrodynamics (in Russian)
Repeaters in relativistic communications
Reply to "A first principles derivation of the electromagnetic fields of a point charge in arbitrary motion"
Reply to "Comment on `Can Maxwell's equations be obtained from the continuity equation?'" by E. Kapuscik [Am. J. Phys. 77, 754 (2009)]
Reply to "Comment(s) on `Preacceleration without radiation: The non-existence of preradiation phenomenon," by J. D. Jackson [Am. J. Phys. 75, 844-845 (2007)] and V. Hnizdo [Am. J. Phys. 75, 845-846 (2007)
Reply to "Criticism of `Necessity of Simultaneous Co-Existence of Instantaneous and Retarded Interactions in Classical Electrodynamics' " by J.D.Jackson
Reply to ``Comment on `Test of constancy of speed of light with rotating cryogenic optical resonators' ''
Résonance 2-surharmonique d'un contact unilatéral hertzien : approches théorique et expérimentale
Resonance modes in a 1D medium with two purely resistive boundaries: calculation methods, orthogonality and completeness
Resonance-Induced Effects in Photonic Crystals
Resonant Behavior of an Augmented Railgun
Resonant forcing of select degrees of freedom of multidimensional chaotic map dynamics
Response of an impacting hertzian contact to an order-2 subharmonic excitation : theory and experiments
Response to Compagno and Persico
Restricted equivalence of paired epsilon-negative and mu-negative layers to a negative phase-velocity material ({\em alias} left-handed material)
Retardation and Coupling to the Sources in Lorenz and Coulomb Gauge
Retarded electric and magnetic fields of a moving charge: Feynman's derivation of Liénard-Wiechert potentials revisited