Rotation in liquid $^4$He: Lessons from a toy model
Rotational cooling efficiency upon molecular ionization: the case of Li$_2(a^3Σ_u^+)$ and Li$_2^+(X^2Σ_g^+)$ interacting with $^4$He
Rotational Energy Transfer in H2+H2
Rotational Excitation of HC_3N by H_2 and He at low temperatures
Rotational inelastic cross sections for OCS-Ar, OCS-He, OCS-H2 collisions - A comparison between theory and experiment
Rotational molecular dynamics of laser-manipulated bromotrifluoromethane studied by x-ray absorption
Rotational predissociation of extremely weakly bound atom-molecule complexes produced by Feshbach resonance association
Rotational spectroscopy and equilibrium structures of S3 and S4
Rotational spectroscopy of IO X 2Πi
Rotational spectrum of asymmetric top molecules in combined static and laser fields
Rotor in a Cage: Infrared Spectroscopy of an Endohedral Hydrogen-Fullerene Complex
Rovibrational dynamics of the strontium molecule in the A^1Σ_u^+, c^3Π_u, and a^3Σ_u^+ manifold from state-of-the-art ab initio calculations
Rovibrational interactions in linear triatomic molecules: a theoretical study in curvilinear vibrational coordinates
Rovibrational product distributions of O2(+) from the reaction of O(+)(4S) with CO2
Rules for Minimal Atomic Multipole Expansion of Molecular Fields