Maximally informative pairwise interactions in networks
Maximum pull out force on DNA hybrids
Mean-field analysis of a dynamical phase transition in a cellular automaton model for collective motion
Mean-Field and Non-Mean-Field Behaviors in Scale-free Networks with Random Boolean Dynamics
Measurability of side chain rotational isomer populations: NMR and molecular mechanics of cobalt glycyl-leucine dipeptide model system
Measure representation and multifractal analysis of complete genomes
Measurement of Cytoplasmic Streaming in Chara Corallina by Magnetic Resonance Velocimetry
Measurement of Photon Statistics with Live Photoreceptor Cells
Measurement of the cell membrane capacitance and conductance of colonic crypt cells of the rat using the patch clamp technique
Measuring accurately liquid and tissue surface tension with a compression plate tensiometer
Measuring spike train synchrony
Measuring the force ejecting DNA from phage
Measuring the viscous and elastic properties of single cells using video particle tracking microrheology
Mechanical Aspect of Chirality and its Biological Significance
Mechanical deformation of monocytic THP-1 cells : occurrence of two seqential phases with differential sensitivity to metabolic inhibitors
Mechanical Model for Fiber-laden Membranes
Mechanical model of the ultra-fast underwater trap of Utricularia
Mechanical oscillations at the cellular scale
Mechanism of cell inactivation by different ions: Damage induction probabilities per single tracks
Mechanism of Discordant Alternans in Spatially Homogeneous Tissue