An Operational Search and Rescue Model for the Norwegian Sea and the North Sea
An overview of the coupled atmosphere-wildland fire model WRF-Fire
Analysis of the application of the optical method to the measurements of the water vapor content in the atmosphere - Part 1: Basic concepts of the measurement technique
Analysis of the planetary boundary layer with a database of large-eddy simulation experiments
Analysis of Water Vapor spatio-temporal structure over the Madrid Area using GPS data
Angular distribution of Bremsstrahlung photons and of positrons for calculations of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes and positron beams
Anisotropy and asymmetry in fully developed turbulence
Anomalous attenuation of extraordinary waves in ionosphere heating experiments: experimental results of 2000-2001
Anomalous attenuation of extraordinary waves in the ionosphere heating experiments
Anomalous Gulf Heating and Hurricane Katrinas Rapid Intensification
Anomalous transparency of water-air interface for low-frequency sound
Application of a Large Eddy Simulation Database to Optimization of First Order Closures for Neutral and Stably Stratified Boundary Layers
Applying the Hilbert--Huang Decomposition to Horizontal Light Propagation C_n^2 data
Appropriateness of correlated first order auto-regressive processes for modeling daily temperature records
Approximate deconvolution large eddy simulation of a barotropic ocean circulation model
Approximate Equations for Large Scale Atmospheric Motions
Are temperature reconstructions regionally biased?
Are there basic physical constraints on future anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide?
Assessment of a GOES microburst product for two early cold season convective storms
Assessment of GOES imager microburst product over the southwestern United States