Sampling of Atmospheric Aerosols by Electrostatic Precipitation for Direct Analyses. Part 1
Sampling of Atmospheric Aerosols by Electrostatic Precipitation for Direct Analyses. Part 2
SAR Altimetry Applications over Water
Scaling laws for the tropical cyclone derived from the stationary atmospheric vortex equation
Scaling of Tropical-Cyclone Dissipation
Scattering of internal waves from small sea bottom inhomogeneities
Scattering of the acoustic waves on finite cylindrical covers
Scavenging of atmospheric ions and aerosols by drifting snow in Antarctica
Scientific Case for Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change to Protect Young People and Nature
Scientific reticence and sea level rise
Sea Ice Brightness Temperature as a Function of Ice Thickness, Part II: Computed curves for thermodynamically modelled ice profiles
Sea Ice Brightness Temperature as a Function of Ice Thickness: Computed curves for AMSR-E and SMOS (frequencies from 1.4 to 89 GHz)
Sea state monitoring using coastal GNSS-R
Seasonal and diurnal variations in atmospheric pressure
Seasonal and regional characterization of horizontal mixing in the global ocean
Seasonal Change of the Ozone Layer State over Yakutia
Seasonal variation of the mesospheric inversion layer, thunderstorms and mesospheric ozone over India
Semi-empirical dissipation source functions for ocean waves: Part I, definition, calibration and validation
Sensing Shallow Seafloor and Sediment Properties, Recent History
Sensitive and accurate dual wavelength UV-VIS polarization detector for optical remote sensing of tropospheric aerosols