Aerodynamic Models for Hurricanes III. Modeling hurricane boundary layer
Aerodynamic Models for Hurricanes IV. On the hurricane genesis and maturing
Aerosol Characteristics at a High Altitude Location in Central Himalayas: Optical Properties and Radiative Forcing
Aerosol Characteristics at a high-altitude station Nainital during the ISRO-GBP Land Campaign-II
Aerosol contents at an altitude of ~2 km in central Himalayas
African Dust Influence on Atlantic Hurricane Activity and the Peculiar Behaviour of Category 5 Hurricanes
Air pollution studies in terms of PM2.5, PM2.5-10, PM10, lead and black carbon in urban areas of Antananarivo - Madagascar
Altitude and Latitude Distribution of Atmospheric Aerosol and Water Vapor from the Narrow-Band Lunar Eclipse Photometry
Aluminium in an ocean general circulation model compared with the West Atlantic Geotraces cruises
An Analytical Theory for the Early Stage of the Development of Hurricanes: Part I
An Analytical Theory for the Early Stage of the Development of Hurricanes: Part II
An Electric Force Facilitator in Descending TVS Tornadogenesis
An Environmental Watch System for the Andean countries: El Observatorio Andino
An explanation for the lack of trend in the hurricane frequency
An Initial Assessment of a Clear Air Turbulence Forecasting Product
An Initial Assessment of the GOES Microburst Windspeed Potential Index
An Internal Wave as a Frequency Filter for Surface Gravity Waves on Water
An inverse Gaussian plume approach for estimating atmospheric pollutant emissions from multiple point sources
An objective change point analysis of landfalling historical Atlantic hurricane numbers
An objective change-point analysis of historical Atlantic hurricane numbers