A new Concept of Ball Lightning
A New Framework for the Assessment and Calibration of Medium Range Ensemble Temperature Forecasts
A New Graphical Microburst Guidance Product
A New Hypothesis for Layers of High Reflectivity Seen in MST Radar Observations
A new method for making objective probabilistic climate forecasts from numerical climate models based on Jeffreys' Prior
A new modelling framework for statistical cumulus dynamics
A non arbitrary definition of rain event: the case of stratiform rain
A non-linear optimal estimation inverse method for radio occultation measurements of temperature, humidity and surface pressure
A note on boundary-layer friction in baroclinic cyclones
A Note on Several Meteorological Topics Related to Polar Regions
A note on the use of the word 'likelihood' in statistics and meteorology
A novel internal waves generator
A novel technique to determine atmospheric ion mobility spectra
A Numerical Model-derived Boundary Layer Turbulence Product
A possible explanation for Earth's climatic changes in the past few million years
A Qualitative Description of Boundary Layer Wind Speed Records
A retrieval strategy for interactive ensemble data assimilation
A revisit to the GNSS-R code range precision
A scale-invariant formulation of the anticipated potential vorticity method
A Scaling Theory for Horizontally Homogeneous, Baroclinically Unstable Flow on a Beta-Plane