A CCD Search for Variable Stars of Spectral Type B in the Northern Hemisphere Open Clusters. VI. NGC 6910
A CCD Search for Variable Stars of Spectral TypeB in the Northern Hemisphere Open Clusters. III. NGC 6823
A CCD study of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 3783
A CCD system for photometry of direct and spectroscopic images
A Cenozoic seawater Sr/Ca record from benthic foraminiferal calcite and its application in determining global weathering fluxes
A Census of Asteroid Families Between the J5/2 and J7/3 Resonances
A Census of Intrinsic Narrow Absorption Lines at z ˜3.0
A Census of Proplyds, Silhouette Disks, and Outflows in the Carina Nebula
A Census of Pulsar Emission
A Census of Pulsar Emission
A Census of Yellow Supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds: Testing Massive Star Evolutionary Models
A Centennial Period Study of V523 Cassiopeiae: Nearly 100 years of Eclipse Timings
A central gravitational redshift model for the absorption redshift systems in quasi-stellar objects
A certain dynamic characteristic of cometary orbits
A CGRO/OSSE Survey of Pulsars
A challenge to the highest balloon altitude
A CHAMP-only gravity field model from kinematic orbits using the energy integral
A Chandra and Spitzer Study of IC 348
A Chandra Investigation of the Peculiar PG 1004+130
A Chandra Legacy Survey of Dynamically Active Globular Clusters