A 1m-UV telescope: Mission definition study
A 2 year comparison of AMSR-E and MODIS cloud liquid water path observations
A 2-D dynamical model of mesospheric temperature inversions in winter
A 2-D model of C2H6 in the Jovian Stratosphere
A 2.18 to 2.28 micron study of the stellar population in the nucleus of M82
A 2.2 MeV gamma ray line observed during a SN solar flare
A 20-year H2O maser monitoring program with the Medicina 32-m telescope
A 20cm Search for Pulsars in Globular Clusters
A 20th century acceleration in global sea-level rise
A 21 CM survey of the Pisces-Perseus supercluster. I - The declination zone +27.5 to +33.5 degrees
A 220 kyr record of Pb isotopes at Dome C Antarctica from analyses of the EPICA ice core
A 23 hour EXOSAT observation of the X-ray pulsar 1E2259+586 and the associated supernova remnant G109.1-1.0
A 250-year high-resolution record of Pb flux and crustal enrichment in central Greenland
A 2D numerical study of recurrent driven reconnection processes at the magnetopause
A 2D study of the effects of the size of a solid core on the equatorial flow in giant planets
A 3 Jy Radio Burst at a High Galactic Latitude
A 3-D Aerosol Profiling Lidar for Planetary Rover Missions
A 3-D empirical model of F region Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance bands using incoherent scatter radar and all-sky imaging at Arecibo
A 3-D finite-element algorithm for DC resistivity modelling using the shifted incomplete Cholesky conjugate gradient method
A 3-dimensional Thermal Model For Icy Bodies In The Solar System.