Particle tracing in the magnetosphere - New algorithms and results
Particle Track, X-ray, Thermal, and Mass Spectrometric Studies of Lunar Material
Particle transport and distribution on the Mars Science Laboratory mission: Effects of triboelectric charging
Particle-gas dynamics in the midplane of a protoplanetary nebula
Particle-Laden Turbulence from the Streaming Instability
Particle-solution behaviour of plutonium in an estuarine environment, Esk Estuary, UK
Particles and fields measurements at Neptune with Voyager 2
Particulate and soluble 210Pb activities in the deep sea
Particulate element inventory of the Huanghe (Yellow River): A large, high-turbidity river
Particulate extinction models for sun photometer measurements taken at high mountain stations
Particulate fluxes of 230 Th, 231 Pa, and 10 Be in the northeastern Pacific Ocean
Partition coefficients of trace elements: Application to volcanic rocks of St. Vincent, West Indies
Partition of noble gases between olivine and basalt melt
Partitioning and Phase Effects of Ni for the Martian Basalt Humphrey Composition
Partitioning and speciation of solid phase iron in saltmarsh sediments
Partitioning and transport of metals across the O 2 / H 2 S interface in a permanently anoxic basin: Framvaren Fjord, Norway
Partitioning behavior of chlorine and fluorine in the system apatite-silicate melt-fluid
Partitioning Behavior of Moderately Siderophile Elements in Ni-Rich Systems and Core Formation in the Earth
Partitioning between resolved wave forcing and unresolved gravity wave forcing to the quasi-biennial oscillation as revealed with a coupled chemistry-climate model
Partitioning between seismogenic and aseismic slip as highlighted from slow slip events in Hyuga-nada, Japan