Identification of quartzofeldspathic materials on Mars
Identification of RELICT phases in a once-molten Allende inclusion
Identification of Sample Cores in the Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey
Identification of shocked quartz by scanning cathodoluminescence imaging
Identification of sulfur compounds in IO's exosphere
Identification of Supersoft X-ray Sources and Quasisoft X-ray Sources in the Magellanic Clouds Using XMM-Newton
Identification of the aurorals O(1S) precursor in photometric time sequences of pulsating aurora
Identification of the central star of NGC 7027
Identification of the Dominant Luminosity Sources at the Galactic Center Through Infrared Imaging and Spectroscopy.
Identification of the Fe XV 3s3p 1P-3p2 1S line in solar flare spectra and its use as an electron density diagnostic
Identification of the interstellar cyanomethyl radical (CH2CN) in the molecular clouds TMC-1 and Sagittarius B2
Identification of the Location Phase Screen of ERS-ENVISAT Permanent Scatterers
Identification of the methylhopanes in sediments and petroleum
Identification of the nebula G70.7 + 1.2 as a bow shock powered by a pulsar/Be-star binary
Identification of the parent bodies of micrometeorites with high-precision oxygen isotope ratios
Identification of the projectile at the Brent crater, and further considerations of projectile types at terrestrial craters
Identification of the X-ray source E 1551 + 718 with an uncataloged dwarf nova
Identification of V1017 SGR as a cataclysmic variable binary system with unusually long period
Identification of velocity systems in the inner Orion nebula
Identification on HST Images of Microlensed Stars from the MACHO Project