IHY - An International Cooperative Program
IHY objectives in the African ionospheric irregularities observation campaign
II Peg radial velocities (Berdyugina+ 1998)
IJK Photometry of Planetary Nebulae with DENIS
Ikaite precipitation by mixing of shoreline springs and lake water, Mono Lake, California, USA
Il Campocatino Austral Observatory (CAO)
Il ritorno delle Leonidi.
Illite equilibria in solutions: I. Phase relationships in the system K 2 O---Al 2 O 3 ---SiO 2 ---H 2 O between 25 and 250°C
Illite equilibria in solutions: II. Phase relationships in the system K 2 O---MgO---Al 2 O 3 ---SiO 2 ---H 2 O
Illuminating the Dusty Wind: 3D Modeling of Quasar Silicate Emission
Illuminating Trends in ISM Elemental Abundances Revealed by STIS and FUSE Observations
Illuminating X-ray Bright and Faint Galaxy Groups: Global Properties and Galaxy Populations at Intermediate Redshift
Illumination conditions of the south pole of the Moon derived using Kaguya topography
Illusion - A Fabry-Perot Data-Cube Synthesizer
Illustrating the Astronomical Point of View: Some Favorite Classroom Demonstrations
IM Normae and N Sgr 2002: CCD Spectroscopy and Photometry
Image Deconvolution with Uncertainty Estimates: Hierarchical Multiscale Models for Poisson Images
Image defects from surface and alignment errors in grazing incidence telescopes.
Image Differencing for Detecting Surface Changes on Mars
Image dissector control and data system, part 1