Far UV irradiation of model prebiotic atmospheres.
Far UV Stellar Photometry (Schmidt+ 1995)
Far-Infrared 160 μm Survey by Balloon-Borne Telescopes
Far-infrared absorption by fractal metal clusters
Far-infrared and submillimeter photometric mapping of spiral galaxies in the Virgo cluster
Far-infrared CO rotational lines in the Orion molecular cloud
Far-infrared difference-band absorption in potassium iodide
Far-infrared dissection of the GRB980425/SN1998bw host galaxy : toward an understanding of the origin of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Far-infrared emission and Stark-cyclotron resonances in a quantum-cascade structure based on photon-assisted tunneling transition
Far-infrared emission from dust in the BOK globule Barnard 335
Far-infrared emission from the AG Carinae ring
Far-infrared high-performance lead telluride-based photodetectors for spaceborne applications
Far-Infrared Hydrogen Lasers in the Peculiar Star MWC 349A
Far-infrared line observations of planetary nebulae. I - The forbidden O III spectrum
Far-Infrared Mapping of Dusty Elliptical Galaxies
Far-infrared measurement of stratospheric carbon monoxide
Far-infrared observations of M20 /NGC 6514/
Far-infrared observations of three compact IRAS sources in Sh 247 star forming complex: IRAS 06056+2131, 06058+2138 and 06061+2151
Far-Infrared Observations of W3-IRS4
Far-infrared observations of W51 - a case of sequential star formation?