Calibration changes in the isotopic thermometer for snow according to different climatic states
Calibration database system for the Hubble Space Telescope and the World Wide Web
Calibration for Large Telescopes: Status and Prospects
Calibration Observation of AN Extended Hard Source: the Coma Cluster
Calibration Observation of AN Extended Hard Source: the Coma Cluster
Calibration of a Small Radio Telescope
Calibration of ACS F814W Surface Brightness Fluctuations
Calibration of Alignments of the MAXI/GSC
Calibration of COSMIC Ionospheric Profiles Using Incoherent Scatter Radars
Calibration of GEO 600 for the S1 science run
Calibration of magnetic granulometric trends in oceanic basalts
Calibration of Nearby Galaxy Type IA Supernovae as Standard Candles: NGC4496 and NGC4356 - CYCLE4MEDIUM
Calibration of Nearby Type IA Supernovae as Standard Candles: NGC 4639
Calibration of Post-AGB A and F Supergiants as Standard Candles
Calibration of the 14C time scale to >40 ka by 234U-230Th dating of Lake Lisan sediments (last glacial Dead Sea)
Calibration of the AATSR instrument
Calibration of the ACS Emission Line Filters
Calibration of the Boltwood Cloud Sensor
Calibration of the carbonate ‘clumped isotope’ paleothermometer for otoliths
Calibration of the CCD Tully-Fisher relation with application to the Perseus-Pisces supercluster