Cataclysmic Binaries, LMXBs, and related objects (Ritter+, 2009)
Cataclysmic Binaries, LMXBs, and related objects (Ritter+, 2011)
Cataclysmic Binaries, LMXBs, and related objects (Ritter+, 2011)
Cataclysmic calderas catalogued
Cataclysmic flooding in the solar system - A new perspective
Cataclysmic variable production in globular clusters
Cataclysmic Variable Stars: the Professional/Amateur Connection
Cataclysmic Variable Superhumps: A Comparison of Theory, Observations, and Numerical Simulations
Cataclysmic Variables and Possible Low-Mass White Dwarfs in the Globular Cluster NGC 6397
Cataclysmic Variables In The BAT 22-month Survey
Cataclysmic variables light curves (Bruch 1998)
Cataclysmic Variables: Eight Breakthroughs in Eight Years
Cataclysmic Variables: Temporal and Spectral Studies
Catalina Sky Survey II, a Next-Generation Survey with Small Binocular Telescopes
Catalog based two-color, relative photometry of NEOs at McDonald Observatory
Catalog of 558 pulsars
Catalog of Apollo 17 rocks. Volume 1: Stations 2 and 3 (South Massif)
Catalog of Class I methanol masers (Val'tts+, 2007)
Catalog of clusters of galaxies from SDSS (Bahcall+, 2003)
Catalog of Coma Cluster Galaxies (Doi+ 1995)