Carbon stars and isotopic BA anomalies in meteoritic SiC grains
Carbon stars and the seven dwarfs
Carbon stars from Baldone telescope (Alksne+ 1987)
Carbon Stars in the Galactic Halo
Carbon Stars in the Galactic Halo
Carbon Stars in the Local Group -- Detailed Abundance Analysis of Carbon Stars in the LMC
Carbon Stars in the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy
Carbon stars IR emission (Blanco+ 1998)
Carbon storage in permafrost and soils of the mammoth tundra-steppe biome: Role in the global carbon budget
Carbon, Nitrogen, and Noble Gases in the Diamond Fractions of the Novo Urei Ureilite
Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen abundances in main-sequence stars. II 20 F and G stars
Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen in two lithium-rich supergiants
Carbon-13 exchange between CO 2 and CH 4 under geothermal conditions
Carbon-14 activities in recently fallen meteorites and Antarctic meteorites
Carbon-14 ages of Antarctic meteorites with accelerator and small-volume counting techniques
Carbon-Enrichment in the Atmosphere of the Cool DO White Dwarf MCT 0501-2858
Carbon-fluid equilibria and the oxidation state of the upper mantle
Carbon-rich aggregates in type 3 ordinary chondrites - Characterization, origins, and thermal history
Carbon-rich chondritic clast PV1 from the Plainview H-chondrite regolith breccia: Formation from H3 chondrite material by possible cometary impact
Carbon-silicate aggregates in the CH chondrite Pecora Escarpment 91467: A carrier of heavy nitrogen of interstellar origin