Carbon isotopic compositions of 28,30-bisnorhopanes and other biological markers in a Monterey crude oil
Carbon isotopic fractionation in lipids from methanotrophic bacteria: Relevance for interpretation of the geochemical record of biomarkers
Carbon Isotopic Measurements of Third-Generation Salts from LEW 85320
Carbon isotopic thermometry calibrated by dolomite-calcite solvus temperatures
Carbon isotopic variation within individual diamonds
Carbon Monoxide as a Basis for Primitive Life on Other Planets
Carbon monoxide budget in the Northern Hemisphere
Carbon monoxide emission and the Eta Carinae stage of Nova NQ Vulpeculae
Carbon monoxide in a CH star in M22
Carbon monoxide in Jupiter after the impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
Carbon monoxide in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic troposphere: Evidence for a decreasing trend
Carbon monoxide on Jupiter and implications for atmospheric convection
Carbon Monoxide on Jupiter: Evidence for Both Internal and External Sources
Carbon Monoxide Production and Excitation in Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp): Isolation of Native and Distributed CO Sources
Carbon monoxide spatial gradients over source regions as observed by SCIAMACHY: A case study for the United Kingdom
Carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions in urban turf
Carbon Signatures in Type Ia Supernovae Spectra
Carbon solubility in mantle minerals
Carbon solubility in olivine and the mode of carbon storage in the Earth's mantle
Carbon star list (90<l<270, |b|<6) (Liu+, 2010)