Calibration of the Cenozoic Polarity Time Scale Based on Intervals of Constant Sea Floor Spreading Rates
Calibration Of The Dark Energy Survey Camera: Measurements Of Focal Plane Flatness And Crosstalk Among CCDs
Calibration of the Geometric Distortion of ACS
Calibration of the Large Area Mass Analyzer (LAMA) instrument for the detection of cosmic dust
Calibration of the M-sigma Relation for AGNs
Calibration of the Mars Science Laboratory Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer
Calibration of the WFC3 Emission-Line Filters and Application of the Results to the Greatest Source of Uncertainties in Determining Abundances in Gase
Calibration of VISSR on board GMS-5
Calibration of water Čerenkov detectors for ultraenergetic cosmic rays
Calibration pipeline for VIR data
Calibration techniques for object tracking using a compound eye image sensor
Calibrations for benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca paleothermometry and the carbonate ion hypothesis
Calibrations of Ultraviolet Excess as Metallicity Indicator of F, G, K stars
Californium-254 and Supernovae
Callisto's Surface "Activity" from Highest-Resolution Galileo Imaging
Callisto: New insights from Galileo disk-resolved UV measurements
Calorimeters for very high resolution x-ray spectroscopy
Calorimetric Experiment on the Radiation Losses of 2-Mev Electrons
Calorimetric low-temperature detectors for high resolution x-ray spectroscopy on stored highly stripped heavy ions
Calorimetric studies of the ammonia-water system with application to the outer solar system