Exploring Spiral Defect Chaos in Generalized Swift-Hohenberg Models with Mean Flow
Exploring the Collective Behavior on the One-dimensional Quartic Map
Explosive growth of inhomogeneities in the distribution of droplets in a turbulent air
Exponential Divergence and Long Time Relaxation in Chaotic Quantum Dynamics
Exponential localization of singular vectors in spatiotemporal chaos
Exponential Recovery of Low Frequency Fluctuations in a Diode Laser with Optical Feedback
Exponentially growing solutions in homogeneous Rayleigh-Benard convection
Exponentially rapid decoherence of quantum chaotic systems
Exponentially small oscillation of 2-dimensional stable and unstable manifolds in 4-dimensional symplectic mappings
Extended phase diagram of the Lorenz model
Extended Self Similarity in numerical simulations of 3D anisotropic turbulence
Extended Self Similarity works for the Burgers equation and why
Extended Self-Similarity and Hierarchical Structure in Turbulence
Extended Self-Similarity in Turbulent Systems: an Analytically Soluble Example
Extended time-delay autosynchronization for the buck converter
Extension of fixed point clustering: A cluster criterion
Extensive and Sub-Extensive Chaos in Globally-Coupled Dynamical Systems
Extensive Properties of the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation
Extensive Scaling and Nonuniformity of the Karhunen-Loève Decomposition for the Spiral-Defect Chaos State
Extensivity of two-dimensional turbulence